Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day after

Well I dont know about you, but getting ready to be done with classes for six weeks is so nice to think of. I can relax work a little extra to help the pocket book out and even sleep in. the mini vacation is nice, but come Janurary it all starts again,but in the mean time I am going to relax and have some fun.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We in Minnesota: PMS & Peri-menopause

We in Minnesota: PMS & Peri-menopause I still get like that, gotta stop make myself get it together.


I expected to do better, but I will on the Final. At least the Presentation I did i n class went well. OMG it is so hard to get up in front of a roomful of people and talk. My hands and arms went limp, the
script I was to read I hads memorized, get up in front of people and I started stammering, I was so shocked. I never at least didnt think I had stage fright. At least I got a 120 pts for the PRESENTATION.My legs were even shaking. I can see why Lawyers are so good in front of people, takews alot of preactice.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Postcard a Day: The Pyramids

A Postcard a Day: The Pyramids: "I don't think this card need any introduction at all, because the pyramids are probably the first thing anyone associates with Egypt.  It ..."
Have they ever entered inside to see the contents.

A Postcard a Day: Statue of Pinutem, Luxor

A Postcard a Day: Statue of Pinutem, Luxor: "Although postmarked London, it was written at the Suez Canal and dated 2 June 1982.  It was one of those sent to my father by someone in th..." Look at the size of the Pharoah, it shows who is more important at that time.

A Postcard a Day: Luxor, Egypt

A Postcard a Day: Luxor, Egypt: "I can't read the postmark, but it's presumably Cairo because that is where my friend lives.  The date is 11 August 2009. Egypt - Luxor: the..." I would love to go here, the picturesw are spectacular, something what the early Eygptians could do.


We have an oral test Friday 10/22/10, it is a telephone conversation in Spanish. I`m doing pretty good at getting the lines right. The person I am practicing is having a rough time, but the first class of Spanish I think is tough, especially if you have never had Spanish. We will pass the test I am sure of that, at least I planning on it. Wish us luck

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Laptop

Have you ever seen the e-mail, Free Dell Laptop?. Well you do the questions then they want you to buy 2 types of products, it seems there is
some kind of reason why it can`t be sent. Mine is no PO Box, then it`s the address isn`t right. I feel like it is a way to get you to order something and then you don`t fit their profile to be eligble for the program. Then the comment not affiated with Dell or the other one is Walmart. Is this how
these companies generate buisness, by trickery, this may be wrong, but this is how I feel.
Has anyone ever gotten the Laptop from the place. Just inquiring.........

Friday, October 15, 2010

Well I got my paper in the mail to become part of the Honor Society, it really makes me feel accomplished. It had been a long time since School for me, so this really means something to me. Last Quarter I had a 4.0 so I was excited, something to brag about.
I am taking Spanish for the first time, I have been in Spanish classes for almost a year.
It is really a good idea to learn a different lanugage, I am told it is, especially for,Medical,Police etc.
Not to mention the earning potential I can possibly get into. Got into an Essay
Contest, so I am hoping I win could use the $1,000 dollars. Adios write at you all later.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wrote an Essay for a contest, about my Spanish.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

There is a walk for Hunger on Sunday at the Lewsisburg Park, I`m going to go, being my weekend off. College is going geat, Like my classes, it`s got to be hard when you get something you dont like. I wil be done with these calsses n November, then I`m going on with somewthing else, in my opion it will help me when I`m out of school. GO Tartans!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Class was good, I actually new a lot of the Spanish today. Maybe I am starting to understand the language. We go o a restuarant for class next week. It is for extra credit on my, our grade, so I'm actually looking forward to it. I have. A fun class. I hope to go to Spain, and be able to talk the pais language.

Monday, July 19, 2010


It is so hard to learn Spanish, I can get free tutoring, but the cost of gas and the distance I go, sometimes make it relly hard. Plus I have to do LANGUAGE LAB of 5 trips in 7 weeks. I think I should know more Espanol than I do, I`m not sure what the block is im my learning process of the language.
All I wanted was to be able to talk to someone if that person talk to me in Spanish, but it seems there are so many different ways to say one word, imagine what our English is like to learn.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well I have spent my Sunday studying the day away, which is good. I plan on passing the course (s). I cant spend this kind of money and not, so I plan on all my free time studying. So if I want to succeed I have to put my studies first then everything else. I want a future where I make the kind of money I want to make. That sounds repetious but isn`t that why we all go back to college for.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Well went and checked out where and when my classes are. Found Spa 101, language class. Got a c on my midterm, I will be more calm on the next test. I passed, thats what counts.My next grade will be an a or b.The only way to have a brighter future and make better money is to go to college, which I am doing. To my FUTURE

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Well I find out tomorrow on the resulyts of my test, I`m so hoping its not an F. I dont think it is, but tomorrow I will know for sure. I`m tri]ying to better myself for a better future, and the only way to do this is to get a College education
which is what I`m doing now. So I have to put some things aside and my schooling first. This is for a better futurte.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Well I`m in school, had my mid-term I thought I was more prepared, well to my amazement I actually started to panic the minute I got the test in my hand. It was awful, then after class I knew what ones I had wrong, this was open book, a nurse where I work said those could be the hardest, I think that was a wrong thing to say, maybe good luck would be better. Well the next test I will do better. I just can`t fail, not an option, eapecially if I want to make better money. Someone came out of the theatre screaming that I`m not a pilot, I never told the person I was, he had to be listening to conversation had nothing to do with him. WE al know what dippers are,( those people who make comments on what they sat and listened to from a private conversation), or he wouldn`t have screamed that